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Israel paradox: 90% of car makers rushing in a country that does not manufacture a single car

Copyright: iKare Innovation 2017

iKare Innovation Ltd has compiled in the above pyramid the latest activities of global automotive players, making their way into the Israeli AutoTech ecosystem.

The movement initiated by GM in 2005 has accelerated in the last 18 months, with both OEMs and TIER1s opening scouting offices and innovation centers in the Startup Nation. Needless to say that for such a small country which counts zero domestic car manufacturer, it is quite overwhelming to witness the latest tsunami of automotive manufacturers and their suppliers pouring into the Start-Up Nation. You can play at comparing the first infographic with the one below, and you'll quick find out that it's fair to say that 90% of global car OEMs have set foot in Israel in their quest for innovative technologies. Who's next? Suzuki?

Source: Business Insider 2017

Our car is actually a computer on wheels, making the Israeli paradox looking less miraculous.

The autonomous car will have to see, hear and react like a human driver? Israel brings its military sensors, night vision, 360° radar/lidar fusion systems to the car industry.

The smart car might be able to understand, make decisions and behave safely? Local startups in analytics, big data and artificial intelligence are teaching us how to acquire and treat data from other cars, from the road, from satellites, and make up for the rest.

The connected car is hackable, needs protection and over the air updates? Israeli Cyber tech will cope with the embedded security needs.

Israel has managed to become in 2017 the hottest new automotive destination.

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